For Dietitians

Are you giving your clients Blank Stares when they ask what the best prenatal supplement is for them?

Then the hours of research begin after the session, scrambling to review the different labels and review the guidelines and see what might be right for them, perhaps a few posts in a Dietitian Facebook Community. And now you’ve spent another 30 mins-1 hour outside of the session trying to get it all right??

Those days are about to be over, fellow dietitian!

There is an obvious lack of resources and training available for dietitians & nutritionists who are looking to provide specific, evidence-based and practical supplementation recommendations for those trying to conceive, going through fertility treatments and IVF.

There is an obvious lack of resources and training available for dietitians & nutritionists who are looking to provide specific, evidence-based and practical supplementation recommendations for those trying to conceive, going through fertility treatments and IVF.

Who is it for?  Dietitians and nutritionists who want to deliver bespoke and evidence-based supplementation plans for their fertility & prenatal clients.

Where: Online

What:  3-hour recording from the live event on April 11th delivered by expert fertility dietitian & nutritionist, supplement consultant and founder of The Dietologist, Stefanie Valakas APD, is the professional development event for you! Includes Q&A access, quiz and eGuides.

We will cover:

  • Prenatal Supplement Basics – when to take what and why!
  • Calculating Requirements
  • Matching a Client to the Best Products for Them
  • Understanding ingredients and reading labels
  • Advanced practice: IVF, Implantation Failure, Miscarriage, Endometriosis, PCOS
  • Designing bespoke prenatal supplement plans
  • Counselling clients and improving compliance with supplementation plans
  • Answering your questions!

PLUS, bonus plug-and-play templates, quiz and eGuides to refer back to for quick reference in session!

2024 updates include:

  • The Great Folate Debate: Folic Acid, Folinic Acid & MTHF
  • CoQ10 – Ubiquinol or Ubiquinone – does it matter?
  • NRC – the secret weapon for egg quality?
  • What to do if your client doesn’t swallow capsules
  • New case studies!

75% Of Attendees said their confidence in designing specific prenatal supplement plans was significantly improved!

What dietitians are saying…

Fertility Friendly Dietitians Clinical Mentorship Group

Since 2023, Stef has been leading a clinical mentorship group for reproductive health, fertility & pregnancy dietitians from all over the world to up-level their knowledge & skills and elevate their client results.

Each quarter, we dive into a new topic with a monthly LIVE (and recorded) session delivered, access to Q&A support between sessions inside an exclusive Facebook group and additional support resources that just make your life as a practitioner in this space WAY easier.

Invest in ongoing CPD to truly unlock next-level career growth in this space, and build confidence in this niche-area whilst being supported by a leader in the field alongside like-minded dietitians.

Learn More About Fertility Friendly Dietitians & When Enrolments Open below!

For Dietitians

Are you a dietitian looking to work in the space of women’s health, reproductive concerns, and fertility?

It’s a pretty amazing field, and sharing the joy in a newly announced pregnancy is a reward like no other! But, there are some areas you need to be up to speed on to work with this special group that you may not have been covered in your studies.

If you’re looking for someone to bounce ideas off for cases, guidance on professional development choices or just want to “pick my brains” for an hour than a supervision session with me, Stefanie Valakas Accredited Practising Dietitian & Nutritionist, recognised as an expert in fertility nutrition and reproductive health concerns like PCOS, endometriosis and male fertility.

Supervision is an ongoing professional relationship which works to help support and refine your clinical skills and build confidence in the field of fertility, ultimately improving your efficacy and efficiency as a practitioner for your clients and patients. All sessions are conducted via Zoom.

Want to book in for a session? See what’s available below!