September is PCOS Awareness Month and to recognise this The Fertility Friendly Podcast is diving into our PCOS mini-series all month! PCOS is one of the most common reproductive health conditions that affects 8 to 13% of females of reproductive age and is a very common concern we see in our practice, here at The Dietologist.
This week, I cover everything you need to know about the diagnosis criteria of PCOS, the symptoms you may experience with PCOS, then I dive into what are androgens, and their role in PCOS and how we can lower these naturally using nutrition strategies backed by science, get your notepads at the ready!
Need expert advice for the management your PCOS symptoms? Need expert advice for the management of your PCOS symptoms? ……..Introducing The PCOS Project
This self-paced online course has been developed to highlight the role of diet and nutrition in managing your PCOS symptoms and taking control of the rollercoaster that is PCOS with 10 comprehensive PCOS-specific nutrition lessons. We also include BONUS PCOS-friendly 7-day meal plans and recipes! Check it out here!
Links for show notes:
- Listen to our Nutrition for PCOS episode here
- Listen to a Candid and balanced conversation about weight & fertility episode here
- Listen to the Omega-3s for fertility episode here
- Read about 3 ways to combat PCOS hair growth here
- Read about how Inositol can help with PCOS here
Need expert advice for the management your PCOS symptoms? Book a one-on-one Zoom consultation with The Dietologist team for your personalised nutrition and supplementation plan for management of PCOS
Welcome to Fertility Friendly Food The Podcast!
I’m Stefanie, expert fertility dietitian and nutritionist, founder of The Dietologist, here to help inspire and empower you with factual nutrition information about women’s and men’s health, hormones and fertility & pregnancy. A virtual nutrition practice dedicated to women’s health, fertility & pregnancy.
Disclaimer: The information presented in this podcast is not to be replaced by personalised medical or dietetic advice, please speak to your health care professional before making any diet or lifestyle changes. The Dietologist and its guests do not accept any liability for any harm or damages that occur from following any of the suggestions in these podcast episodes.
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