What to drink (and say) when you’re trying to conceive (TTC) or pregnant

So you’re trying to conceive or you’ve just found out that you are pregnant (congrats!), and thus you are now having to give alcoholic drinks a miss at upcoming social events. You may not be ready to face the music of the onslaught of questions about why you’re opting for water over a gin & tonic from friends & family just yet, so I have compiled my favourite excuses and non-alcoholic beverage alternatives to help get you through the next 9 months (or longer).

Unfortunately, there is no safe level of alcohol during pregnancy and it is recommended that alcohol intake should be reduced to a minimum in the lead up to conception (in the case of a planned pregnancy).

This blog post is to help you come up with some clever excuses as to why you’re ditching Friday night drinks and some delicious alternatives that you can sip on that will help keep those suspicious looks at bay.

My Favourite Excuses for Why You’re Not Drinking

There’s always that one (or more) person that wants to get you drinking, or likes to put the pressure on as to why you’re not drinking “when everyone else is”. Not everyone is ready to be open about their conception or pregnancy journey in the early days. So here are my favourite excuses to help combat those questions in those social settings:

  • I’m the designated driver tonight.
  • It’s actually my new year’s resolution not to drink.
  • I’ve got a headache already.
  • I’m taking medication (like an antibiotic) and I can’t drink whilst taking them.
  • I have irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and alcohol is one of my triggers (trust me, it isn’t pretty) – sometimes introducing the awkward factor makes people zip it pretty quick.

This is not just for the ladies! Gents, ditching the drink can be important in the lead up to conception to optimise sperm health and function, plus it’s nice for your partner to have the support of someone going sober with her at events.

My Top Non-Alcoholic Drinks for When You’re TTC or Pregnant

  • When out, get a mocktail, looks like a cocktail
  • Ask bartenders to put non-alcoholic drinks in short glasses instead of tall glasses, or just tell the bartender and get them to pretend there is alcohol in them if you really have to!
  • BYO mixers to BBQs and parties so you can make something up yourself without too many questions
  • Try kombucha (if you’re not pregnant) with some mint, fruit in a glass – no-one will know it’s not a cocktail!
  • Try a sparkling water infused with a cold infusion tea, like this idea from @thesavvydietitian
  • Try out the Nexba (#notspon) drinks available at Coles and Woolworths, perfect for a at-home BBQ again mix with some fruit and ice, the people drinking alcohol can add a shot of their preferred liquor if they, like. These drinks give you the bubbles, flavour and none of the sugary stuff, especially important if you have PCOS or gestational diabetes.

Alternatively, just own it, be upfront with your friends and family and let them know you are trying to conceive and that you’ve chosen to abstain from alcohol. For many of my clients, conceiving is a bit of battle and this can go on and on for many years and the continuous “are you pregnant yet?” questions can be a painful reminder when you’re not, especially at a social event.

Need some clarity on fertility nutrition advice for you and your partner? We work with couples trying to grow their family ensure they are in tip-top shape before conception and to help boost their fertility, get personalised advice, and apply to work with me one-on-one today – let’s develop a tailored plan to help you reach your goals!


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