Are You Ready to Wave Bye-Bye 👋to Endo Nutrition Confusion and Say Hello to a practical & scientific Endo Nutrition Game Plan That you LOVE? 😍

A LIVE 60-minute Endometriosis Nutrition Masterclass From Expert Endometriosis Dietitian & Nutritionist on…

Wednesday November 27th at 6:30 pm AEDTFULLY BOOKED!
  • Uncover the impactful role of diet in managing endometriosis symptoms, rated as the third most effective strategy by those with endometriosis themselves (Armour et al., 2019).
  • Embrace a holistic approach to endometriosis management, integrating dietary strategies alongside medical treatments for enhanced symptom relief of pain & gut concerns.
  • Get step-by-step guidance from an expert in endometriosis nutrition field, at a fraction of the cost of working with me one-on-one
Exclusively for patients of Inner West Women’s Health
Endometriosis & Pelvic Pain Clinic

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the amount of conflicting Nutrition information out there about Endometriosis?

You may be surprised to know, that even I as an endo dietitian, doubted my own diet after I received my diagnosis in 2019. Surely, I should do EVERYTHING I possibly could to help myself to recover and manage my symptoms for as long as possible, right?

Even if that meant, cutting out gluten, soy, dairy or alcohol, I was willing to do it all!

Sound familiar, endo warrior?

So I thought, if I was trained for years and knew what the latest science was and how to apply it and even I was questioning myself, I knew that the millions of endo warriors around the world were feeling the same.

Layer on the noise on Instagram, Tik Tok and the mix-bag of well-intended but rarely on-point dietary advice from non-dietitian health care providers… it can truly leave you questioning every mouthful!

This is why I am SO glad you’re here! Because, I’ve created an incredible resource to help clear the nutrition noise on endometriosis, give you a clear and practical path forward with your dietary choices (without the side of perfectionism!) that is genuinely grounded in the science to support your endo by reducing inflammation & pain and your gut symptoms too.

Skip the countless hours on Google and TikTok trying to piece the puzzle pieces together, and get the shortcut to tried-and-tested nutrition advice specifically for endo warriors inside our How to Get Started with Your Diet for Endometriosis LIVE Masterclass.

It’s a 60-minute masterclass designed to help those new to exploring diet & lifestyle with endo, newly diagnosed with endometriosis or suspected endometriosis or simply looking for expert advice on endometriosis and diet from an endometriosis dietitian & fellow endo warrior. I am going to be sharing the exact same roadmap that I use with my 1-on-1 clients to achieve improvements in endo-related pain and settle troublesome gut symptoms!

The truth is, you don’t have to feel alone as you navigate your diet with endometriosis.

Endo Can Make You Feel Like Your Body Has Been Hijacked

A Solid Nutrition & Lifestyle Plan Can Help You Take Back Some of the Control!

In just 60 minutes you’ll:

  • Simplify the endo nutrition noise with the latest scientifically-backed (& highly practical) nutrition & lifestyle tips that you can implement right away!
  • Understand why nutrition & lifestyle are important in endometriosis management to reduce inflammation, pain & gut symptoms.
  • Feel calmer, more confident, and empowered with your dietary choices with endometriosis, with less restrictions and more flexibility!
  • Save time and energy by avoiding the confusion and frustration of endlessly questioning every food or mouthful wondering if it helps or hurts your endo symptoms.
  • Get access to expert insights grounded in scientific research for endometriosis and walk away with a clear, actionable plan.
  • PLUS get a crash-course on evidence-based supplements for endometriosis (heads up, this doesn’t include personalised recommendations or brand endorsements)

How to Get Started with Your Diet with Endometriosis

Wednesday November 27th at 6:30pm AEDTFULLY BOOKED!

In This 60-Minute LIVE Masterclass You Will Discover the Core Strategies We Use With Our 1-on-1 Clients to support your Endo Journey

Navigating life with endometriosis can be tricky! Whether you’re experiencing intense symptoms daily or you’re wondering how to be proactive even when your symptoms are minimal, we can all take positive steps to look after ourselves, and diet & nutrition is the 3rd most commonly used strategy by people with endometriosis to support their symptoms.

Click the button below to join the waitlist to be notified of upcoming class dates.

Exclusively for patients of Inner West Women’s Health
Endometriosis & Pelvic Pain Clinic

If you’re thinking “This sounds amazing but I’m still not 100% sure” keep reading…

You should Join Me For The How to get started with your diet for endometriosis & chronic pelvic pain if:

  • You’re newly diagnosed with endometriosis and wondering what you can do next to support yourself.
  • You have had endo diagnosis for a while but are new to exploring diet & lifestyle to enhance your symptom management.
  • You have suspected endometriosis – we use the EXACT same strategies if you have suspected endo too! Come and learn more to support your symptoms.
  • You want to break free of endless Googling of the next magic bullet supplement that your cousin’s friend took for her endo and instead feel confident about your endo lifestyle approach!
  • You are ready for a scientifically-grounded fresh approach so you don’t look back wondering “what if” you gave the nutrition & lifestyle approach a go!
  • You know you need support from a qualified endo nutrition expert who has actually tried & tested these strategies with countless clients from all over the world.
Exclusively for patients of Inner West Women’s Health
Endometriosis & Pelvic Pain Clinic

Photo by Polina Zimmerman.


Hey, I’m Georgia Spry!

BHSci, MDietClinNutr
Leading Endometriosis Dietitian & Nutritionist at The Dietologist

I help proactive endo warriors (just like you!) nourish their bodies with endo with purposeful nutrition strategies to target inflammation, pain & gut symptoms. I aim to bring all the practical nutrition strategies and way less of the wild rules and restrictions you’re reading about on Instagram (sorry, there are no mandatory gluten-free, dairy-free, soy-free, sugar-free, fun-free diets here!).

My approach is all about finding what we can add into your diet to support your body, not what to cut out (unless absolutely necessary), because let’s be honest endometriosis & chronic pelvic pain takes enough away from us, it doesn’t need to take your favourite food away too!

Myself and The Dietologist team have worked with hundreds of people from around the world to help them with their endometriosis journey, and am incredibly passionate about how diet can be used to support your journey alongside other strategies like surgery, medications, pelvic physiotherapy and more!

I know that having a clear roadmap developed by an endo nutrition expert based on science and the support of an amazing community can help you feel confident, calm, and empowered as you navigate this roller coaster of endometriosis & chronic pelvic pain.

This is why myself and The Dietologist team have designed this LIVE masterclass to cut through the clutter and help you simplify your endo nutrition plan and answer your questions!

So…Any Questions? Here’s What Others Have Asked Before The Masterclass

If you miss this session, live unexpectedly, we can send you a copy of the recording, just drop us an email at [email protected]

Of course, there’s nothing that will quite replicate the live experience of coming along to a masterclass, so if you can, we encourage you to come along and experience it live so your questions can be answered by me in realtime.

But, we understand that depending on your schedule, symptoms and more this may not be possible.

This is a once-off 60-75 minute masterclass. That’s it, all you need is 1 hour to put the wheels in motion to build a sustainable approach to your diet for endometriosis.

From there, the ball is in your court to take the next steps to set yourself up with the changes I outlined to improve your endo symptoms.

Absolutely! In our virtual clinic, we treat everyone with suspected endometriosis (i.e. symptoms of endo but not yet confirmed with surgical excision of the tissue and histology) as if they do in fact have confirmed endo from a nutrition point of view.


Well, the approaches for chronic pelvic pain & endometriosis from a diet perspective are pretty similar, and the worst case scenario is you don’t have endo and you have a better diet anyway – so there’s no loss there!

With regards to adenomyosis, it’s safe to say the science is SERIOUSLY lagging behind here and whilst it is different to endo, the principles of inflammation and the common hormonal hallmarks appear to be similar across the two conditions, so we employ the same strategies as we do for endo, for adenomyosis too! Until we get more research to tell us otherwise, this seems to be the best approach for the time being.

I totally get it!

I want to provide you with a clear step-by-step path covering the foundational principles of how to build a scientific, sustainable and genuinely do-able approach to food that you can embrace flexibly for years to come to strategically manage your symptoms like endo-related pain, gut concerns and cycle-related concerns (looking at you sore boobs!)

The vast majority of people we see 1-on-1 with endometriosis & chronic pelvic pain do have other medical conditions like PCOS, thyroid concerns, IBS, fertility concerns, pre-diabetes, Coeliac disease and much much more. So we are absolutely well equipped to handle these concerns alongside endometriosis & chronic pelvic pain nutrition.

In the context of this masterclass, to keep it generalisable to everyone attending we will be focusing on universal principles that can benefit those with endometriosis & chronic pelvic pain. So it won’t be specific to your unique health history, however, you will get to learn about the opportunity for a customised plan for your unique health history at the end of the masterclass.

As always, it’s important to seek individualised health care advice with your health care provider before making significant changes to your diet and lifestyle.

Yes, this class is 100% grant-funded for Inner West Women’s Health Endometriosis & Pelvic Pain Clinic patients only. You will be asked to confirm your Inner West Women’s Health GP details upon sign-up.

There are no catches. Inner West Women’s Health & Central & East Sydney PHN are fully supporting each person’s spot to attend so it’s 100% free and accessible for you.

Please note, we are capping live attendees to just 30 people. If you need to cancel for whatever reason, please let us know so we can offer a spot to someone else and utilise the funding allocated as effectively as possible for the benefit of everyone who needs & wants to access dietitian-led education on endometriosis & chronic pelvic pain nutrition.

The How to Get Started With Your Diet for Endo class will be delivered via Zoom online, all you will need is a laptop or mobile phone and a stable internet connection. All you need to do is click the link 5-10 minutes before your scheduled class time to be connected.

We recommend headphones or earphones for the best audio experience!

Yes! I love answering your questions! You will get the opportunity to pre-submit questions if you wish to submit anonymously; or you can ask in the chat throughout the class ; or verbally or in the chat at the end of the class.

I will be answering your questions at the end of the class, don’t worry there’s dedicated time to ensure these are all addressed!

This is the main reason we cap the group at 30 participants.

The group is capped at a maximum of 30 people.

Yes, if you choose to switch your video or audio on, other members of the group will eb able to see and/or hear you. Please note: we will be recording the sessions in case anyone who wished to attend but couldn’t due to unexpected circumstances, this is a condition of sign-up & attendance.

We know that navigating endometriosis & chronic pelvic pain can be isolating, so we are excited to bring people with different backgrounds yet similar experiences together to share and learn together.

This How to Get Started with Your Diet for Endo & Chronic Pelvic Pain is the perfect starting point if you’re newly diagnosed or new to nutrition for endo, or a bit of a veteran and seeking clarity on dietary changes.

If you need more support with your bespoke nutrition & supplementation game plan for your unique endometriosis path, we’d love to support you! Inside, you can learn more about how we work and how our expert team of dietitians can support you and an opportunity to receive ongoing expert nutrition care with us.

Still have questions?

If you cannot find an answer to your question in our FAQ, you can always contact us and we will get back to you shortly.

Ready to Reclaim Get Started on a Refreshing And Genuinely do-able nutrition approach for your endometriosis symptoms?

Say hello to more of the food that you love and a refreshingly practical approach to your lifestyle for your endometriosis symptoms in just 60 minutes with the Get Started With Your Diet for Endometriosis Masterclass

Exclusively for patients of Inner West Women’s Health
Endometriosis & Pelvic Pain Clinic

© 2024 The Dietologist