Enhancing Implantation Masterclass


Enhancing Implantation Masterclass

Wondering about what to eat to help that embryo stick? Or what to do in the two week wait? Are there certain foods or supplements that can help thicken up the uterine lining? Learn all this and more inside our 45-minute masterclass and eGuide bundle designed and delivered by award-winning expert fertility dietitian & nutritionist, Stefanie Valakas APD, founder of The Dietologist


Enhancing Implantation Masterclass

Are you preparing for a fresh or frozen embryo transfer?

Maybe you have a history of implantation issues, such as a thin uterine lining or recurrent implantation failure?

Are looking to optimise your uterine environment for implantation?

Wondering about what to eat to help that embryo stick? Or what to do in the two week wait? Are there certain foods or supplements that can help thicken up the uterine lining? Learn all this and more inside our 45-minute masterclass and eGuide bundle designed and delivered by award-winning expert fertility dietitian & nutritionist, Stefanie Valakas APD, founder of The Dietologist

In this 60-minute masterclass recording (recorded October 2022) we cover:

  • The process of implantation
  • What factors can impact implantation?
  • Supporting implantation success using diet
  • Recurrent Implantation Failure (RIF) strategies
  • The role of the vaginal and uterine microbiome in implantation
  • Other lifestyle factors to optimise
  • Supplementation to support implantation (does not include personalised advice)

PLUS we have included our most popular 13-page eGuide – Foods for Implantation (2nd edition) which includes

  • Summary of key foods for implantation
  • Busts common implantation nutrition myths
  • General lifestyle pointers
  • 4 yummy simple recipes prioritising these key nutrients to help support implantation!

plus access to the recording for 6 months if you want to revisit the learnings and soak it all in!

If you are ready to understand more about your optimising the uterine environment for implantation and take positive and simple steps towards tweaking your diet and lifestyle with a qualified professional, then this masterclass is for you. 

Disclaimer: This masterclass does not replace individual medical or dietetic advice. For personalised fertility nutrition & supplementation plan, please book a consultation with one of our qualified dietitians here.