Do I have to go dairy-free when trying to conceive?
Want to know whether dairy can have a negative impact on your chances on conceiving? Here’s the truth behind whether you should include dairy in your pre-pregnancy diet!
Want to know whether dairy can have a negative impact on your chances on conceiving? Here’s the truth behind whether you should include dairy in your pre-pregnancy diet!
Have you ever wondered if your diet & lifestyle can help with secondary infertility? If you are having trouble conceiving even after successful pregnancies, this blog post is for you!
Fertility nutrition myths busted by an expert fertility dietitian & nutritionist from pineapples to gluten, dairy to folic acid – myths busted!
Are your gut symptoms telling you something about your fertility? Find out the role of IBS, IBD and Coeliac disease as well as endometriosis on fertility, from expert fertility nutritionist and dietitian, Stefanie Valakas APD, The Dietologist
What does a first appointment with a dietitian specialising in women’s health and fertility really look like? Get the details in from fertility dietitian, Stefanie Valakas, The Dietologist
Does a vegan diet actually help improve fertility? Or is increasing your plant food intake enough to see the benefits? Find out from fertility dietitian..
Working with clients, I always get questions about which diets and patterns of eating are best for enhancing both male and female fertility As a Greek-Australian dietitian, it is safe to say I am little…
What to eat to improve egg health and egg quality. Talking about AMH (Anti-Mullerian Hormone) testing and fertility, egg counts and where to focus your dietary efforts to improve your egg quality. A blog post by Accredited Practising Dietitian Stefanie Valakas – The Dietologist in Sydney, NSW, Australia